Adjusting to a New Proposal Writing Job in Quarantine

by Matthew Linville

Any new career comes with stress and the unknown, and proposal writing is no different. And amidst a novel pandemic and subsequent lockdown, the struggles pile on for anyone trying to learn the ins and outs of being a proposal writer. Here are a few ways to center yourself and make the most out of your learning process:

Refer to the basics

While it’s tempting to pitch your notebooks into the trash and sell your books for cheap after tough semesters and ultimately graduation, you’ll still need reference points! Training in a virtual capacity has its limits, and without mentors in the cubicles next to you, sometimes Handbook for Writing Proposals can help you in the moment.

Create your own space

This is a must for working at home. It’s not enough to wake up, drag your laptop off the nightstand, and clock in. Dedicate a specific space in your house to set up a desk with whatever else you’ll need, be it a second monitor, a dual pen holder/desk lamp, etc. Regularly organize and clean this workspace as you would in an office. A clean, personalized space goes a long way toward maintaining your mental health and productivity.

Make a Calendar

Organizing doesn’t just apply to your physical workspace. Proposal writing has a lot of moving parts, so make sure to keep your tasks and thoughts in order. You might be comfortable organizing tasks through a Gannt Chart or simply a Moleskin day planner. Whatever your method, stay diligent in updating and crossing out tasks. Don’t leave anything stuck in your head.

Ask for Help

Ultimately, when in doubt, simply ask someone for help. Whether it’s a veteran team member or the client you’re working with, never be afraid to request a phone call or Zoom meeting to clear up anything you’re confused on. Don’t let any confusion pile up and turn into an issue for your teammates or the client. Make sure you craft thorough questions and take detailed notes of the answers. Moreover, don’t be afraid to ask for clarification.


Finally, when all else fails or the weight of the work is too much, take a deep breath. Try meditating for five minutes. Most everyone is struggling, so most everyone will understand.